
The short version

To download and install the required key in one line:

    $ wget -q http://apt-staging.midasconsoles.com/public.key -O- | apt-key add -

Add this apt source:

    deb http://apt-staging.midasconsoles.com/hd unstable     main midas tpl

The long version

Here you can download our public key for package signing.

To verify the fingerprint without importing the key:

    $ gpg --with-fingerprint public.key

The Key fingerprint in the gpg output should match:

    pub  4096R/9A288061 2016-03-07 Ronny Andersson (Music Group Research UK) 
          Key fingerprint = A72D 8F5F D015 3730 C085  F6BC 31B2 259B 9A28 8061
    sub  4096R/573D6F83 2016-03-07
    sub  4096R/3DAF6729 2016-03-07 [expires: 2016-09-03]

To add the key to apt (to verify that the downloaded packages are ours) and list all installed apt-keys with their fingerprints, do

    $ sudo apt-key add public.key
    $ apt-key finger

To access our packages, add the following to your /etc/apt/sources.list or create a file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/midas.list with this content:

    deb http://apt-staging.midasconsoles.com/hd stable       main midas tpl
    deb http://apt-staging.midasconsoles.com/hd testing      main midas tpl
    deb http://apt-staging.midasconsoles.com/hd unstable     main midas tpl

Once a package has been superseded by a newer build, it ends up in the morgue. We can add this to the sources.list if we want to go back to for example a build from two weeks ago.

    deb [trusted=yes] http://apt-staging.midasconsoles.com/hd/ morgue/

Now run a sudo apt-get update and you should have access to our packages.